We are thrilled to introduce you to the FLIPPING project, a collaborative initiative between six partners from the European Union. Our goal is to revolutionize vocational education and training (VET) by implementing the innovative teaching method of Flipped Learning. We believe this approach has the potential to transform the way we educate and train students, and we are excited to embark on this journey together.

The FLIPPING project brings together six esteemed partners: Asociacija MINTIES BITES, Future in Perspective, Rightchallenge Associaçäo, Acumen Training Sp, KMOP- Education and Innovation Hub, and Association CON VALORES. With the expertise and dedication of these partners, we aim to develop materials and resources for VET learners, teachers, and parents



Throughout the duration of the project, the FLIPPING team will produce a range of exciting results that will benefit educators, learners, and parents alike. These include:

Materials for Learners: We will develop comprehensive materials to enhance the learning experience for VET learners.
In-Service Training Programme for Teachers: An innovative training program will be designed to equip VET teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement Flipped Learning effectively.
Training Materials for Parents: We recognize the importance of parental involvement in the learning process, and therefore, we will provide training materials to support parents in their role.
eLearning Portal: To ensure easy access to project resources and activities, we will create an interactive eLearning portal.


We recently celebrated our first kick-off meeting in Virginia, Ireland, where we had the pleasure of getting acquainted with each participating organization. The meeting provided a wonderful opportunity for fruitful discussions, where we began exploring the tasks and responsibilities of each partner. This collaborative atmosphere has set the stage for an enriching journey ahead.


We are excited to announce the creation of our official FLIPPING Project Facebook page, where you can connect with us, stay updated on the latest news, and engage with our vibrant community. You can find us at Facebook Page Link. Make sure to like and follow our page to be part of the conversation.


  • Project Website Coming Soon

We are also in the process of developing our project website, where you will find all the project’s information, resources, and updates related to the FLIPPING project. We are working diligently to make it a valuable hub of knowledge and collaboration. We will announce its launch shortly, so stay tuned for the launching of our website!

  • Ongoing Development: Materials for Learners

One of our key ongoing tasks is the development of comprehensive materials for VET learners. We are committed to creating engaging and informative resources that will enhance the learning experience for students involved in the FLIPPING project. These materials will be designed to support their growth, development, and acquisition of new skills.


The FLIPPING project is just starting, thanks to the dedication and collaboration of our partner organizations. We are excited to continue our journey, exploring the potential of Flipped Learning and its impact on vocational education and training. Your support and engagement are crucial to the success of this project, and we encourage you to stay connected through our Facebook page and upcoming project website.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each member of our project community for their enthusiasm and commitment to transforming education. Together, we can shape the future of vocational education and training through the power of Flipped Learning.

Stay tuned for more updates, achievements, and opportunities as we progress further!

Warm regards,

The FLIPPING Project Team